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Our motto in contract deals is FAIRNESS, which is the reflection of our business approach across the board. 

Therefore, we offer customised variable contracts to authors, which are truly linked to their command of strength in the industry.

Our variable contracts rightly reflect the Author's market strength and the efforts that their projects require, therefore they are highly advantageous for authors who are already commercially published and those with stronger market appeal.

We do not believe that it would be fair to ask for a same (e.g.) 20% commission from a border-line risk-group author who may barely sell 50,000 copies and so requires enormous work on their profile,  and from an author who has sold 1,000,000 copies and obviously requires much less effort to further promote and enhance their global profile.

In recognition of the market realities which the whole industry are dynamically linked to,  our contracts in their design offer more competitive deals to the authors with stronger market command.






Copyright © Michael Berenti Literary Management